Quiet Phase

The garden has entered its ‘quiet’ phase too. Summer may have gone, but plenty of flowers linger in the southern Autumn. Some even manage to make themselves believe that the cool and wet is just a phase the weather is going through and burst into flower just when the bees are few and sleepy. The Globe Buddleia is in fuller flower than it has been all year, too beautiful in the Autumn evening light to cut back, although we need to stop it clogging the air conditioning unit.

Right next to it, the large osteospermum refuses to read what its label said… this four year old ‘annual’ has flowered non-stop since early spring.

The false caster oil plant was self-sown just last year and now overflows its large container. Just when its parent plant is shedding leaves and settling into dormancy, this one has decided to flower. The soft ‘dandelion clocks’ will turn to hard black seeds.

Meanwhile the fuchsia I cut back hard has shot forward, a lush spurt of growth ready to flower next year.

Rant it out!
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