I know our maritime corner of the UK has a unique and mild climate but this year the relatively warm Autumn, combined with plenty of life-giving rain has led to more than usual growth. Its well into December but the garden is lush and weedy… work is needed when we have a fine few days and I have the inclination. Right now, if the rain holds off might be the time, if I wasn’t distinctly without oomph. Today is our domestic day, when we change the sheets, vacuum and dust the bedrooms and wash bathroom and kitchen floors. For us old crumblies that is definitely enough activity for one day!
The wallflowers are not supposed to flower until Spring, but they are starting already. This pink pelargonium is really a house plant with its leaves smelling like Turkish delight, but it’s mild enough here to risk in the garden over winter.
These guys are supposed to flower through winter and they certainly are… but the false caster oil plant has decided, unseasonably to bloom.
Around the pond, despite me twice seriously trimming it, this spreader has spread and tumbled over the wall and into the other plants like the lavender…
…flowering the whole while.
We recycled a branch of the lilac tree for a bit of garden seasonal glitter, but the flowering goes on and makes it look out of context. At least until lit up at night.