Category Archives: Random Rants
The Hypocritic Oath
When MPs are sworn in, do they take the hypocritic oath? Yesterday it was announced that ‘buy one, get one free’ offers on products high in sugar and salt were to be banned from supermarkets in order to combat the … Continue reading →
More brands, less choice
Brands are so ubiquitous that most of us in the UK call a vacuum cleaner a ‘Hoover’. Fashionable people obsess over labels. In clothing there is, no doubt, a difference in quality, but nothing like the difference reflected in the … Continue reading →
Apparently, scientists are split on whether to make over sixty-fives and other vulnerable groups shield so that deaths are reduced and the pressure on the NHS lessened. The debate is wrong-headed in the same way that those who were shielding … Continue reading →
We take it very seriously…
Around two weeks ago I ordered a meal to be delivered by ‘Just Eat’. We watched the little avatar speed its way towards us, got alerts saying he was about to deliver our food and another telling us it had … Continue reading →
Angry Old Bloke’s Random Rants
Angry Old Bloke’s ‘Random Rants’ are mostly not related to birding – they are mostly me letting off steam or ranting about some element of modern life.
A word about carrots…
A word about carrots… eeeeuuuggh! I abso-bloody-lutely hate them. Since the day my desk-mate in infant’s school heaved up his over-carroty school dinner over himself, the desk and me, I’ve been less than enamoured. I can’t remember further back from … Continue reading →
I’d like to personally thank the generous donor who made this post possible… we’ve never met, but I probably have some of your DNA on the disposable mask you were kind enough to throw over my gate yesterday. Or maybe … Continue reading →
No wonder the world is going to hell…
(Not birding related) In February 2020 we rang the local authority cleansing department to ask about the dustbins they supply… a simply plug that acts as a hinge on the lid had disappeared after a collection and the lid opened … Continue reading →