The caped crusader returns

A warm and sultry day brought a couple of returnees to the garden… neither of these hoverflies have been seen this year until now. 

Stripe-faced Drone Fly Eristalis nemorum

I’m fairly confident of the ID going by a couple of salient features including neat wing stigma and the hind legs which mark this out from a very similar drone fly.

The other I am 100% sure of as it is one of the most distinctive hoverfly in the UK. Sometimes known as Death Head Fly it is now more commonly referred to as a response to the very distinctive thorax markings.

Batman Hoverfly Myathropa florea

Maggie decided to move a hanging basket… it now blocks the path to the back gate, but it really deserved to be out in the open.

Purple Bell Vine Rhodochiton atrosanguineus ‘Purple Bells’

Rant it out!
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