What a difference a day makes…

We rarely get snow… most years none, some years a day or two which quickly disappears. Here is our first of the winter, albeit very wet snow that later turned to rain.

As they say… what a difference a day makes see yesterday and today below.

On a personal note I wish I could say the same for sciatica! Sleep robbed again by persistent pain that was barely dented by a cocktail of Paracetamol, Codeine and Naproxen, I made a nest. Pillows piled up so I could sit as if in my office chair (which is the most comfortable place to take my mind of the pain)… more pillows under my knees (supposed to be best when you are inflicted) and a light blanket over pyjamas. I don’t normally wear the latter, but given how cold it is, and how the duvet feels too heavy on my legs, I wore them and a fluffy blanket to keep me warm.

I had gone to bed early (11.00pm) but got up again and sat at the computer from midnight until 1.00am… mostly googling stuff about how to cope with sciatica… finding little out there of use. (Unless you count that it helps to know there are myriads of people out there in torment). Then the nest (Maggie’s suggestion).

I’d sleep in another room if our guest beds weren’t so soft and bouncy, as my tossing and turning, pissing and moaning (guess the film quote) keeps Maggie awake. If I were her I’d probably castigate me, instead of which she is supportive and tries to help despite my gruff responses (pain makes us monsters).

I recall being in this pain in the nineties… our then GP came round and gave me daily Pethedine injections, just so I could get some sleep! That’s the worst of it, pain at night makes it impossible to sleep, until sheer exhaustion allows cat naps. Last night I was sleeping as long as twenty minutes at a time then having to get up and walk around to ease the pain a little.

So there you have it… another self-indulgent blog. Including my tribute to a fellow Margate artist… I call mine…

Bed of Pain 2021

Rant it out!
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